Surveyors have been at the forefront of ‘urban design’ since the colonisation of New Zealand – it is a new way of describing something old.
Urban design means subdivision design, but incorporating a more holistic approach than in the past, when there was more emphasis on the car and less on people. The focus now is on building better places to live, with friendlier streets and more places where people can meet and interact. Detailed case studies have shown good urban design adds real value to land development.
At Surveying The Bay we focus on innovative subdivision design in both urban and rural environments, are sensitive to the needs of the community and the environment, and understand the regulatory frameworks. We committed to the Ministry for the Environment’s Urban Design Protocol in 2005 – long before many (including surveyors) grasped its importance. We have applied this approach to streamline consent processes by designing projects that meet clients’ needs while ticking the right boxes for councils. Click here for more information on the protocol.
Land development is changing rapidly and we study and travel extensively to maintain our position at the cutting edge of pioneering subdivision design, examining developments, attending conferences and reading widely. And we have implemented some of what we have learnt here in Hawke’s Bay, helping clients reduce the environmental footprint of urban developments by features such as minimising sediment and pollutant run-off, improving storm water catchment management and adding amenity and value through better provision for park spaces. Creating more sustainable subdivisions adds value for our developer clients and those who will live in their developments.
Recent developments in which we have been involved – Nottingley Park and The Meadows in Lyndhurst – incorporate principles of good urban design. These developments enhance this greenfields area by providing better park spaces, attractive pedestrian and cycle linkages and improved storm water management.
Surveying The Bay plans and designs subdivisions, does feasibility and site analysis studies and computer drafting for developments of all sizes. If you want your development to stand out from the rest with hallmarks of leading-edge urban design, Contact Us to reach Andrew Taylor or Guy Panckhurst.